15 Best Travel Vloggers in 2024 According To Viewers

Feeling the wanderlust spirit? If you’re ready to embark on a journey but in need of some inspiration, travel YouTubers are the ones to watch! Whether you’re looking for your next daring hike or just a pretty sunset, these modern-day explorers can transport you from your couch to any location of your choice. 

The rise of travel vlogging has completely transformed the way we plan our travels. We now have access to real travelers providing unfiltered reviews, documenting authentic explorations and giving genuine advice from their personal experiences. 

Even if you’re not planning a trip anytime soon, these channels are a great resource to learn more about countries, cultures and traditions from all over the globe. Some of these vloggers have visited over 100 countries!

In this article, we’ll discover the globetrotters who are taking their viewers on the best immersive adventures around the world. From bustling cityscapes to hidden local gems, this list might lead you to your new destination!

If you enjoy lifestyle content, you might also like our list of best couple channels on YouTube!

Top 15 Travel YouTubers in 2024

This list was made using the reviews and opinions of users on Favoree and Reddit.

In no particular order:

1. Wolters World – 1M Subscribers

Wolters World offers travelers practical advice and honest insights for exploring the globe.

This channel focuses on do’s and don’ts, travel tips, cultural etiquette, and destination guides, making it a great channel for both seasoned and novice travelers to get prepared for their next journey.

2. Kara and Nate – 3.7M Subscribers

Kara and Nate are a well-known couple in the travel community, who document their ambitious global adventures on YouTube, such as their goal to explore 100 countries.

Their channel is a combination of high-quality videography, stunning destinations, practical travel tips and the realities of life on the go. Their content covers a huge range of countries, cultures and travel styles, resonating with viewers seeking travel inspiration or simply a taste of the world.

Although loved within the travel vlogger world, some viewers did express concerns that the couple has recently strayed from uploading the content they used to love in place of more “polished” content.

3. The Endless Adventure – 600K Subscribers

Eric and Allison, the adventurous couple behind Endless Adventure, take their viewers on a journey through some of the less-traveled destinations worldwide.

Their channel is a vibrant mix of experiences, from van life across America’s landscapes to international explorations, recounted in a way that makes viewers feel like they are watching close friends explore the world.

4. Adventures of A+K – 190K Subscribers

Nature lover? Adam, Kathryn, and Kona, their adventurous pup, are documenting their journeys throughout America and other parts of the world in their van!

This couple embraces nature in their travels, taking you on hikes through majestic mountains, immersing themselves in local cultures, and showcasing authentic feasts.

Along with the stunning landscapes, their channel also provides a handbook of van life, packed with tips, adventures, and the experiences of traveling with a partner.

5. Flying The Nest – 1.3M Subscribers

This young family shares candid insights into the realities of balancing parenthood with exploration. From their early days of backpacking to their current journeys as a traveling family, their channel has evolved to showcase the world’s wonders combined with family life.

Their travels extend from the streets of Europe to the rugged landscapes of Australia, with a big focus on van life.

6. Chris Abroad – 610K Subscribers

Chris Abroad’s channel is dedicated to exploring Japanese culture, from its remarkable cuisines to its intricate traditions and everything in between.

Chris’s witty humor paired with his genuine love for Japan makes for entertaining content that educates the viewers. He showcases his adventures across the country, interactions with locals, and exploration of both the urban and rural life of Japan.

7. Indigo Traveller – 2M Subscribers

Nick Fisher, AKA Indigo Traveller, invites viewers to travel to some of the planet’s most overlooked and misinterpreted regions through their screens.

His content aims to shed some light on the human stories that define each destination. From the streets of Venezuela to the mountains of Afghanistan, Nick’s videos focus on the people he meets and the perspective he gains from those experiences.

8. Daneger and Stacey – 190K Subscribers

This New Zealand couple have a zest for life and travel, documenting their globe-trotting ventures with a particular focus on the digital nomad lifestyle.

Their high-quality videos provide the viewers with useful travel guides and an insight into living and working anywhere in the world. Daneger and Stacey’s channel is a source of inspiration for aspiring digital nomads.

9. Bald and Bankrupt – 4.1M Subscribers

Benjamin Rich, the charismatic explorer behind Bald and Bankrupt, leads his audience off the beaten path to discover places often left out of the mainstream travel narrative. His journeys through the remnants of the Soviet Union, the markets of India, and beyond are filled with interesting encounters.

Benjamin’s style is sometimes criticized, however, some saying they found his content uninformative and that his values do not align with theirs.

Despite this, he is noted for his knack for finding humor and humanity in all types of situations.

10. Oskar and Dan – 210K Subscribers

Oskar and Dan record their global adventures with humor, authenticity, and keen observation. This channel is a collection of their diverse travels, from navigating the urban jungles to the tranquil countrysides and more.

The couple radiates positivity and encourage their viewers to embrace their love of discovery.

11. Trek Trendy – 950K Subscribers

Trek Trendy is an expert of luxury travel, bringing his audience along on lavish journeys through the world’s most expensive flights, hotels, and experiences.

His detailed reviews and behind-the-scenes looks at the high-end travel give viewers a taste of the finer side of globe-trotting. If you’ve been wanting to fly first-class, here’s your chance to try before you buy!

12. DownieLive – 770K Subscribers

Michael Downie, the creator of DownieLive, shares his adventures with a particular recurring theme; trains.

From captivating train journeys across Canada to unique local experiences, Michael’s content is an authentic diary of his travels, sharing with viewers his genuine thoughts and emotions throughout his experiences, and his love of trains.

13. Keep Going Places – 60K Subscribers

Keep Going Places is true to its name, showcasing the experiences that come with discovering the world on a budget.

This channel is a guide to affordable travel, providing tips, advice, mistakes and stories to help travel enthusiasts tick off their bucket lists without spending a fortune.

14. Itchy Boots – 2.2M Subscribers

Noraly, the solo motorcyclist and creator of Itchy Boots, embarks on extreme journeys across continents, fulfilling her passion for freedom and the open road.

Her channel captures the thrill of solo travel and exploring the world on two wheels, through deserts, mountains, remote villages and more. Itchy Boots is a unique channel that might inspire your sense of adventure to explore the unknown.

15. Eva zu Beck – 1.8M Subscribers

Eva zu Beck explores the world with a focus on venturing through particularly remote and challenging destinations. Her channel is a mix of travelogue and documentary, presenting both the beauty and reality of the places she visits.

Her commitment to raw, unfiltered storytelling offers viewers a unique perspective on travel, encouraging them to travel beyond their comfort zones.

If you want to find even more quality content on this topic, here is a list of more than 30 travel vloggers on Favoree. You can also review and rate these channels.

Favoree helps you find the best channels from YouTube

YouTube is definitely an amazing resource for travelers, whether you’re a solo backpacker, nomadic couple or adventuring as a family, there is something to help everybody plan their next trip!

If you’re researching a destination before you travel, history channels can also be a good source of information! Check out our list of the top history channels on YouTube.

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